Ultimate Flora Probiotics
I take a lot of probiotics, I mean A LOT. After struggling with eating disorders for many years, I was left with a ton of terrible digestive issues once I started re-feeding my body. My body literally did not remember how to digest food properly, and I couldn’t eat a thing without ending up huddling in a corner somewhere in tears, rocking back and forth, and holding my stomach in immense pain. I was miserable.
The only thing I found that helped me eat food comfortably again was taking probiotics. I would have to take a probiotic supplement every single time I put ANYTHING into my body. I had to do this for months. Now, I take one once a day, in the morning usually before or after breakfast just to keep things running smoothly.
Currently, I’m taking Ultimate Flora 30 Billion, which is a high potency probiotic supplement, and it has kept my digestive system in check. Good bacteria are essential for a healthy gut. If you have any sort of gas (and I know you vegans do, mmmkay?), bloating, constipation, upset stomach, ANYTHING, try taking this probiotic supplement for AT LEAST a month or two, and I’m positive you’ll see a difference in how you feel overall. Probiotics are also known to cure yeast infections, improve acne, and reduce bloating (especially after eating a large meal).
Here’s a $3 off coupon for all my thrifty b*tches. Also, this particular brand is super accessible, you can find Ultimate Flora at most health food stores, CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, and more.
Also, if you ever HAVE to take antibiotics (never take them unless you have to, as the side effects or risks are usually greater than the benefits), you should increase the amount of probiotics you take. Antibiotics kill all bacteria in your stomach and some bacteria are necessary for digestive and immune health.
What do you do to keep yo’ gut healthy?
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